Monday, December 22, 2008

Apt Words And Phrases For Composition Writing3



1      Terror seized us all.

2      Panic started to engulf him.

3      She was at a loss for words.

4      He froze for a few seconds.

5      I rose shakily to my feet.

6      A rude shock awaited them.

7      A chill went down her spine.

8      The sight of the ghost sent shudders down her spine.

9      A loud voice boomed, sending shivers down her spine.

10    I was powerless and frantic with terror.

11    She screamed at the top of her voice.

12    She screamed her head off when she saw the corpse.

13    She jumped in fright when her mother suddenly shouted at her.

14    His face turned pale and his skin felt cold and clammy.

15    Overcome with fright, she lost her balance and fell down in a swoon.

16    She experienced a feeling of weakness before blacking out.

17    She stood rooted to the ground.

18    The shock robbed him of speech.

19    I was too afraid to utter a word.

20    A haze of fear surrounded him.

21    The timid girl shrank back in fear.

22    Gary stood motionless with horror.

23    She was panic-stricken when she realised she was trapped.

24    Frightened thoughts raced through his mind.

25    They fled in panic when they saw the charging dog.

26    Our hair stood on end as a cry rang shrilly in the night.

27    Fighting back tears of fear, he stared motionless at the approaching danger.

28    With his sense of direction gone, he ran as fast as his legs could carry him.

29    Paralysed with fear, he was speechless.

30    The frightened child was screaming incoherently.

31    I woke sobbing, drenched in sweat and paralysed with fear.

32    I was roused by a sound which brought my heart to my mouth.

33    They huddled together and stared apprehensively into the darkness.

34    Terror gripped his whole being and perspiration started dripping from his forehead.

35    A chill ran swiftly up his back, causing the nape of his neck to tingle.

36    I was sick to my stomach at the horrendous sight.

37    Suddenly, he heard his children’s shouts from the garden, shrill with excitement.

38    Back in the room, Tom was simply quivering all over with excitement.

39    The crowd let out a stupendous cheer as the team scored a home goal.

40    Their pulses raced as they neared their final goal.

41    Henry’s skin tingled with excitement as he watched the hair-raising race.

42    They stared at him in blank amazement.

43    She rummaged frantically in her handbag for the revolver.

44    Ali crouched at the corner, shuddering in fear that the gangster might harm him.

45    Cold fear gripped me as I began to imagine all sorts of things that could happen to me in the haunted house.

46    I was about to turn the key when I heard something. I held my breath and put my ear against the door.

47    Susan returned home and told her mother in a shaky tone that she had been robbed in the lift.

48    Tom turned as white as a sheet when he was caught red-handed stealing Ali’s wallet.

49    I was shocked when my brother got home with a bloodstained face, and bruises all over his arms and legs.

50    He was scared stiff when he saw the ghost.

51    Her hair stood on end when she watched the horror movie.

52    The screams of terror gave way to dead silence in the haunted house.

53    Nervously, I opened the door and slowly tiptoed towards him.

54    My voice quivering, I felt goose pimples all over my body.

55    Trembling with fear, I handed them the keys

56    The piece of news hit us like a bombshell.

57    We were too dumbfounded for words

58    There was a lump in my throat when I saw the shadow.

59    Cold sweat trickled down my forehead when I woke up from a nightmare.

60    I tried to walk at a faster pace but my knees turned to jelly and I felt sick.

61    The boy tried to stifle his scream but was unsuccessful.  He was caught!

62    My scream echoed eerily throughout the graveyard. I was paralysed with fear.

63    He was speechless with fright when he saw the ghost.

64    His heart pounded in his chest as he walked into the old mansion

65    I jumped with a start when I heard the noise.

66    The eerie room made my blood run cold.

67    All the windows were closed and the figure looked dark and menacing.

68    It missed me by a few centimetres but it scared the life out of me.

69    Fear gripped me and I dared not move.

70    All sorts of frightening things crossed my mind.

71    My legs were heavy and frightening thoughts flooded my mind.

72    My heart throbbed with fear at what I had seen.

73    His senses were numbed when the crooks pointed a gun at him.

74    My bones were jittering and my heart leapt to my throat.

75    The killer was very instinctive, even his footsteps echoed danger.

76    His unearthly and awesome appearance struck terror in all.

77    He gave a blood-curdling scream when a vampire appeared in his room.

78    We trembled when John did death-defying stunts on the ledge of his tenth storey apartment.

79    This place gives me the creeps.

80    I felt my blood chill in my veins.


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