Monday, December 29, 2008

Word List 1 (essential Words that you must know)

  1. WORD LIST 1

  2. 1.)Judas: Someone who betrays his friend
  1. 2.)Behest: Command
  1. 3.)Ergonomically: Specially Designed with particular considerations in mind
  2. Abominable: terrible/Horrible
  3. Poignant: Very moving/touching
  4. Kindle: Ignite/Start the flames
  5. Pandora's Box:Mythical Box that once opened up throws up all sorts of problems
  6. At loggerheads: At odds
  7. Surmount: Overcome
  8. Grappling:Dealing/Coming to terms.
  9. Aftermath: Period of time that follows an important event.
  10. Quelled: extinguished/subdued
  11. Somberly:seriously.Sadly
  12. Midas: As in the myth of king midas who turned everything he touched into gold
  13. Occult: Supernatural
  14. Notorious: Well known for negative reasons/Infamous
  15. Lugubriously:Gloomily
  16. Nook: Corner/Small Space
  17. Reverberating: Shaking with Sounds
  18. Inconsequential: Unimportant
  19. Bickering: Quarreling/arguing
  20. Excruciating: Extremely Painful
  21. Lurking: Hiding
  22. Solace: peace
  23. Synonymous: Equivalent
  24. Drudgery: Work that is difficult or boring

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