Monday, December 22, 2008

Apt Words And Phrases For Composition Writing2

  1. Sue broke into tears.
  2. A dark mood came over Jane.
  3. She was on the verge of tears.
  4. Tears rolled down her rosy cheeks.
  5. No words could express his agony.
  6. Tears welled up in Nancy’s eyes.
  7. The poor child sobbed sorrowfully.
  8. With a heavy heart, he left the hospital.
  9. My heart sank when I heard the sad news.
  10. Her eyes were puffy and red after all the crying.
  11. She cried her heart out on hearing the tragic news.
  12. The frightened child was on the brink of tears.
  13. They were sobbing their hearts out when they heard of their father’s sudden death.
  14. Mrs Lee was so overcome with grief that she fainted a few times at her husband’s funeral.
  15. My heart sank when my teacher told me that I had failed the examination.
  16. The little girl burst into tears when she could not find her mother.
  17. The little girl was close to tears when her mother left her in the care of the new maid.
  18. She was so upset that she could not stop her tears from streaming down her cheeks.
  19. A tingle of sorrow swept over me.
  20. Her heart was shattered after hearing the devastating news.
  21. With tears in my eyes, a quaver in my throat, tears streamed down my cheeks onto the ground.
  22. Grief, remorse and depression covered me like a thick choking blanket.
  23. Tears of sorrow rolled down my cheeks when I heard the heart-breaking news.
  24. He howled dismally when his dog died.
  25. After being wrongly accused by his best friend, he felt down in the dumps.  
  26. Kevin felt utterly miserable when Julia called off the wedding.
  27. His heart overflowed with sadness when he lost the race.
  28. Feeling blue, he went for a holiday to forget all his sorrow.
  29. She felt very wretched after being slapped and locked up by her husband.
  30. He told his cousins all his woes when they visited him.
  31. He was so sad that he tried to drown his sorrows by going out to drink.
  32. With tears streaming uncontrollably down her cheeks, Janice knelt down in front of her parents’ grave and cried out, “ I’ve been such an unfilial daughter!”
  33. My father felt demoralised because he failed his driving test again.
  34. The widow laments grievously at the death of her husband.

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